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Magical Journey: Dreamspell and Mayan Explorations
Warm Greetings and Welcome to the Dreamspell and Mayan Pages at Loominosity!
Dreamspell is the name given to a revised version of the traditional Mayan Quiche Count (longcount calendar) that was shared by Jose and Lloydine Arguelles. There is much written for your discovery online and off about each one should you choose to explore the history, facts, etc. It feels more important to share here about the MAGIC that can be experienced and woven into life through opening to these Ancient New ways of understanding and working.
I've shared a few beginning points from which your own path might be created. The journey itself is purely experiential and defies set definition albeit what and how you choose to define the experience for yourself always colored by the lens through which you view. Each experience that I have, or those related by and through others have relevant and relative meaning, all valuable in some way. And each Experience guides you, me, us to the Center of Self where we potentially may experience the Center and Oneness of all.
My first introduction to Mayan Cosmology was through the traditional longcount. It intrigued me then, yet at that time not enough to jump in whole-heartedly. Some time later I discovered Dreamspell and I began working with that a bit. It was when I began working with both together that all became most valuable and magical to me.
Together these considerings connect the horizontal and vertical planes assisting in the Centering of Self and in the discovery and anchoring/rooting of Essence. Its a fun and meaningful way to explore creating Heaven on Earth and the Art of our Lives!
Under the Header Dreamspell here at Loominosity you'll find many individual pages containing information and options to explore the Mayan Counts each and together. There's no right or wrong way to do this and there are many portals through which to enter. Beginning with your own Dreamspell Galactic Signature And/OR Longcount is a great place to begin. Understanding from this personal perspective can open many doors to the greater whole. I've also shared a variety of links that will assist you on your Quest.
Once begun, this exploration is ongoing and ever-evolving and deepens over time. Should you decide to embark, may your Journey be an Opening One, A Platform for Sacred Flight that is filled with Joy, Laughter, Love, Connection, Deep Insights, Heart-Knowing and Profound Discovery. I welcome your comments and questions
with Love and
In Lak'ech (I am another yourself)
Links to Dreamspell amd Mayan related Pages
Prayer of the 7 Galactic Directions
Earth Families and Chakra Correspondences
Names of and Keywords for the Solar Tribes
Weaving Dreamspell and Longcount
Considering a Sacred Trinity of Kin
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