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About Me


My Passion in life is to follow my Heart and to live authentically. That for me includes sharing with others what has assisted and supported me on my journey, what has brought me great joy, and what has helped me to see a larger picture and my place within it.

In our fast paced world of DO, DO, DO, not much emphasis is placed upon BEING; and yet being is the essence of authenticity and real freedom. Doing from that place is key.

I am committed to deep self-transformation and devoted to being a catalyst at the point of choice for myself and for others.  I hold a vision of hope, healing, and the Beauty Way for ALL

My sharing intends to foster an increasing awareness of the synchronicities that make life meaningful and fun: Seeing life as a magical journey and learning how to navigate and ride the waves big and small. . Drawing upon several systems and modalities mixed meaningfully in group or individual space, I hold that space for magic to happen in highly individual ways.

Creative self-expression in many forms has been an important part of navigating major transformations and transitions throughout my own life. It has also been a source of great Joy and a bridge that connects me to others.

As self-taught artist, student of life and weaver/synthesizer by nature, as well as level 3 Aura-Soma® practitioner, guided imagery therapist, SoulCollage® facilitator, astrologer, and avid 13 Moon/Dreamspell follower and practitioner, I combine these and other systems and practices that I have found to be aligned with and evoke consciousness expansion and the Mythic; the Soul Quality of life.



Sarah Gallant

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